SAT and ACT Prep Registration Form


  • Do NOT hit “Enter” or “Return” to move between fields; doing so will result in your sending an incomplete form. Instead, please use the “Tab” key or click each field separately.
  • For those who select the private tutoring option, bookings will be made by mutual agreement between the client and the tutor. There are no minimum requirements regarding the frequency and duration of these sessions, an arrangement that allows the student to have as many or as few lessons as required.
  • If anyone interested in semi-private sessions has a specific partner in mind, please be sure to input this person’s name where indicated.
  • Group sessions can be arranged, but there is no set timeline for such a program. In other words, whenever enough registrations are received to warrant organizing a class, interested participants will be contacted regarding a possible schedule and course structure. Cost will be determined by the size of the group and its collective needs – demand for specific topics, availability, targeted test dates, etc.
  • For those seeking support for standardized tests other than the SAT or ACT – for example, the SSAT, GRE, LNAT, etc. – please complete the same form, selecting “other” from the drop-down menu in question 1, then following the relevant instructions.

    Name of the person completing this form

    E-mail address of the person completing this form

    Student Information

    Name (First and Last)

    Pronoun of Choice
    Age Date of Birth


    Grade (in 2024/25 school year)

    Student's E-mail Address

    Student's Cell Number

    Does the student qualify for accommodations (for example, extra time for tests)?

    Parent/Guardian Information

    Name (First and Last)

    Relationship to Student

    Mailing Address

    E-mail Address

    Phone Numbers

    Specific Needs

    1. For which test(s) does the student require support?

    If the "other" option has been selected, please specify the standardized test for which support is being requested, then skip to question 4:

    A) If the student has written the Preliminary SAT (PSAT), please record the scores where indicated:
    - English Score (out of 760):
    - Math Section Score (out of 760):
    - TOTAL PSAT/NMSQT SCORE (out of 1520):
    B) If the student has previously written the SAT, please record the scores from the most recent attempt where indicated:
    - English Score (out of 800):
    - Math Section Score (out of 800):
    - TOTAL SCORE (out of 1600):
    C) On which of the following dates does the student plan to write the SAT?
    (check each appropriate box)
    March 8, 2025
    May 3, 2025
    June 7, 2025
    August 23, 2025
    October 4, 2025
    November 8, 2025
    December 6, 2025
    sometime in 2026

    D) If the student has previously written the ACT, please record the scale and composite scores from the most recent attempt:
    - English (out of 36):
    - Math (out of 36):
    - Reading (out of 36):
    - Science (out of 36):
    - COMPOSITE SCORE (average out of 36):
    E) On which of the following dates does the student plan to write the ACT?
    (check each appropriate box)
    February 8, 2025
    April 12, 2025
    June 14, 2025
    July 19, 2025
    September 13, 2025
    October 25, 2025
    December 13, 2025
    sometime in 2026

    2.What form of test preparation would the student prefer?

    If the semi-private option has been selected, please provide the name of the second student:

    A) Would the student be available for sessions during the March break? (Friday, March 7, 2025 to Sunday, March 23, 2025)
    No, not available
    Yes, available anytime
    Yes, but only available during the first week
    Yes, but only available during the second week
    Yes, but only available on the following days:

    B) Please indicate on which of the following days and times the student WOULD be able to attend regular sessions (if the student has any specific conflicts, note them in the appropriate box):
    Tuesdays from February 4 to April 29 (7pm - 9pm)

    Wednesdays from February 5 to April 30 (7pm - 9pm)

    Thursdays from February 6 to May 1 (7pm - 9pm)

    Fridays from February 7 to May 2 (7pm - 9pm)

    Saturdays from February 1 to April 26 (1pm - 3pm)

    Saturdays from February 1 to April 26 (4pm - 6pm)

    Saturdays from February 1 to April 26 (7pm - 9pm)

    Sundays from February 2 to April 27 (10am - 12pm)

    Sundays from February 2 to April 27 (7pm - 9pm)

    A) Please indicate which of the following topics are of particular interest to the student (the results of this survey question will be used to tailor individual preparation or course syllabus):
    Basic Introduction - a general tour of either test, including overall tips and strategies
    Diagnostic Assessment - a look at the typical patterns of either test by level of difficulty
    Standard English Conventions - sentence structure, grammar and punctuation
    Words in Context - a focus on vocabulary and word choice
    Passage-based Reading - development of personal approaches to reading comprehension
    Expression of Ideas - editing, topic development, organization and use of language
    Algebra - basic mechanics required to handle linear equations and inequalities
    Problem Solving and Data Analysis - word problems and interpretion of graphs and tables
    Advanced Math - understanding and building more complex equations
    Geometry and Trigonometry - two- and three-dimensional figures
    Pacing - drills that reinforce how to budget and keep track of time
    Educated Guessing - risk management and decision-making strategies
    Time Management - development of a personalized game plan for navigating each section
    All of the above

    B) Please check off all the possible days of the week when the student would be available for sessions (this does not apply to anyone registering for a group course) Beside each selection, indicate more specifically what time(s) of day (or evening) would be most optimal.
    Monday -
    Tuesday -
    Wednesday -
    Thursday -
    Friday -
    Saturday -
    Sunday -

    C) When would you like prep sessions to get underway?

    5. A) How did you find out about The Learning Curve's services?

    B) If you conducted an online search, what key words did you use?


    6. Please note the specifics of your request (test type, test date(s), areas of concern, etc.)